Coverage of the correspondence which reveals that lawyers suing the Chevron admit to illegal conduct in the trial against the company in Lago Agrio, Ecuador and fear that they may go to jail for their actions:
A group of Ecuador attorneys suing Chevron in the case of alleged pollution in the Amazon River region admit their case is fraudulent and fear jail time if their scheme is exposed, according to an email released today by Chevron.
The attorneys are part of the legal efforts to find Chevron guilty of $27 billion in damages in a court case against the oil company in Lago Agrio, Ecuador. They participated in secretly writing the “independent report” of the Ecuadorian expert Richard Cabrera and believed that their behind-the-scenes fraud would never be discovered. But when Chevron petitioned and won the right to see the plaintiffs work in American courts through 1782 filings, the deception was exposed.
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