BBC News discusses recent developments in Ecuador, site of the Chevron Ecuador trial, which various outlets such as The New York Times (An Assault on Democracy) and The Washington Post (Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s assault on media freedom) have editorialized against:
Rafael Correa has been Ecuador’s president since 2007 but it is probably fair to say he has never had as much international attention as in recent weeks.
In January, several major US newspapers took a swipe at him in separate editorials.
“President Rafael Correa of Ecuador is leading a relentless campaign against free speech,” said The New York Times.
The Washington Post said the president ought to be known for “the most comprehensive and ruthless assault on free media under way in the Western Hemisphere”.
According to various international rights organisations, 2011 was a bad year for freedom of speech in Ecuador, and 2012 does not bode well.