Media Statement: Judge Núñez Recusal
Chevron, September 4, 2009
“SAN RAMON, Calif., Sep 04, 2009 — Chevron Corporation issued the following media statement by Hewitt Pate, vice president and general counsel, in response to news Judge Juan Nunez has recused himself from the Lago Agrio proceedings in Ecuador:
“Judge Nunez has correctly realized that his position has become untenable. No judge who has participated in the type of meetings
shown in the video recordings could possibly have rendered a legitimate decision. But two major issues remain:
“It is important that prior rulings of the judge be annulled, including numerous improper rulings to facilitate and shield from scrutiny the biased Cabrera process.
“We also hope that the removal of Judge Nunez is not an attempt to deflect attention from the serious indications of political interference with the case that appear in the video recordings. Recent statements by government of Ecuador officials indicate an intent to attack Chevron
rather than investigate potentially inappropriate actions by party officials such as Patricio Garcia and Alexis Mera.
“An independent and honest investigation of the evidence that Chevron brought forward remains just as important following Judge Nunez’s removal.”
Editor’s Note
Video and transcripts of meetings held by Judge Nunez in May and June of this year are available on
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